Research Interests

A Molecular Perspective on Atmospheric Organic Chemistry

Reactive organic carbon (ROC, defined as all organic molecules in the atmosphere excluding methane) is present in the Earth’s atmosphere in extremely small abundance, but has an outsized impact on climate and air quality.  ROC is subject to photochemical oxidation and partitioning processes. These processes govern the lifetimes of organic contaminants in air, influence radical cycling, yield tropospheric ozone, and control the production and evolution of organic aerosol (OA)- all important factors in air quality and climate. Gaps in our molecular understanding of the evolution of ROC limit the accuracy of models of atmospheric composition, lead to uncertainty in the outcomes of future climate scenarios, and hinder progress toward effective air quality and climate interventions. Our group is focused on 1) developing a molecular-level picture of oxidation and partitioning processes of organics in the atmosphere and 2) connecting these fundamental physical-chemical phenomena to their impacts on atmospheric composition, air quality, and climate.

Ongoing Projects

Explorations of uncanonical gas-phase atmospheric chemical space: functionality and reactivity

Atmospheric chemistry textbooks typically display "canonical" oxidation schemes for organic oxidation. Such mechanisms are typically derived from studies focusing on hydrocarbons under relatively few reactivity conditions. We search for and study chemistry that happens outside of these schemes by using unconventional experimental approaches that allow us to access challenging reactivity conditions, or by targeting functionalized species with the potential to undergo untraditional chemical reactions. 

Smoke, Indoor Air Quality, and First-Responder Safety

As wildfires become more common, more and more built environments will be impacted by smoke. Understanding and mitigating human exposures to wildfire smoke constituents in indoor environments is a major challenge of the climate crisis. When smoke infiltrates a building, smoke-derived volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can be adsorbed on indoor surfaces and off gas over time, creating a sustained source of indoor air pollution. We are using mass spectrometry to examine how smoke infiltration and partitioning processes impact indoor air quality. Separate work in collaboration with Dr. Derek Urwin (UCLA, LACFD) looks at exposures of first responders due to VOCs from smoke-exposed firefighter PPE

Spectroscopic Investigations of Elementary Reactions of Atmospheric Reactive Intermediates

Gas-phase laser spectroscopy is a powerful tool for developing a mechanistic understanding of individual elementary reaction steps and the reactive intermediates involved. We use laser spectroscopy both to understand canonical atmospheric reaction steps at a molecular level, and explore new reactivity of functionalized reactive intermediates.  

Automated Atmospheric Mechanism Generation

Atmospheric oxidation is a highly complex, multigenerational process. We use automated mechanism generation to explore oxidation networks systematically, explain experimental results, and search for unexplored reaction pathways, which we then target via experiments.